b.1986, Seoul, KR
오혜진은 서울에서 활동하는 그래픽 디자이너이다. 2014년부터 오와이이(OYE)를 운영하며 여러가지 시각 매체를 아우르고 있다. 리소 스텐실 인쇄 기법을 활용한 실험 워크숍 ‹Magical Riso›(Van Eyck, 2016, NL)와 워크숍과 레지던시를 겸한 Designer in Residence OTIS College of Art and Design(2018, US) 프로그램에 초청받은 바가 있으며, It’s Nice That의 Once to Watch 2020, 월간 디자인의 2021 올해의 주목할만한 디자이너에 선정되었다. 그밖에도 idea magazine(JP), Design360°(CN), 그래픽 매거진(KR) 등 다수의 매체에 작업이 소개되었으며, ‹Poster Show›(Likely General, 2018, CA), ‹타이포잔치›(문화역서울 284, 2019, KR), ‹도시건축비엔날레 2021›(세운상가일대, 2021, KR), ‹Unparasite›(Platform-L, 2021, KR), ‹젊은 모색 2023›(국립현대미술관 과천, 2023, KR), ‹POST/NO/BILLS #5 BHLNTTTX›(암스테르담 시립미술관, 2024, NL) 등 여러 전시에 참여했다.
Hezin O is a graphic designer based in Seoul, South Korea. She has been running a graphic design studio OYE since 2014 and encompassing various visual media. She was invited to the Designer in Residence OTIS College of Art and Design(2018, US) program, as well as an experimental workshop magical riso(Van Eyck, 2016, NL) utilizing the riso stencil printing technique. Also, she was selected by It's Nice That's Once to Watch 2020, Monthly Design's 2021 Notable Designer of the Year, etc. In addition, her works were introduced in several media such as idea magazine(JP), Design360°(CN), GRAPHIC(KR), etaps(FR), etc., and she participated in various exhibitions such as Poster Show(Likely General, 2018, CA), Typojanchi(Culture Station Seoul 284, 2019, KR), Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism 2021(2021, KR), Young Korean Artists 2023(MMCA Gwacheon, 2023, KR)
POST/NO/BILLS #5 BHLNTTTX (Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, 2024, NL).

Selected Talk
Selected Exhibition
Selected Featured Media- 2018—2020 [MA] Visual Communication Design, University of Seoul, KR
- 2005—2010 [BA] Visual Communication Design, Hongik University, Seoul, KR
- 2018 Designer in Residence Otis College of Art and Design, Los Angeles, US
- 2016 Door to Asia, Rikuzentakata, JP
- 2023 California College of the Arts(US), Seoul, KR
- 2020 Typojanchi SaiSai, Seoul, KR
- 2018 Form and Printing—Unguided Guide, Otis College of Art and Design, Los Angeles, US
- 2016 Magical Riso, Charles Nypels Lab, Van Eyck, NL
Best Book Design from Republic of Korea, 2023
- 2020-Present Ewha Womans University, Seoul, KR
- 2020 PaTI, Paju, KR
Selected Talk
- 2023 아름다운 책을 만드는 기쁨, Seoul International Book Fair 2023 KR
- 2022 Annual Googler-organized event, Visual Design Summit, US
- 2022 Hongik University, Seoul, KR
- 2022 Seoul Citizen Curators, Seoul, KR
- 2021 Platform-L, Seoul, KR
- 2021 ces éditions, instagram tv, KR/FR
- 2021 Seoul Citizen Curators, Seoul, KR
- 2019 Bergen Art Book Fair, Bergen, NO
- 2019 Shanghai Art Book Fair, Shanghai, CN
- 2019 Ink Village Talk, Corners Office, Seoul, KR
- 2018 PaTI, Seoul, KR
- 2017 Sookmyeong Women's University, Seoul, KR
- 2016 Van Eyck, Maastricht, NL
- 2016 Hongik University, Seoul, KR
- 2015 Survival Guide, UJEONGGUK, Seoul, KR
- 2011 Seongshin Women's University, Seoul, KR
Selected Exhibition
- 2023 릴레이 서재 #4, whatreallymatters, Seoul, KR
- 2023 젊은 모색 2023 Young Korean Artists 2023, MMCA, Gwacheon, KR
- 2021 Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism 2021, Seoul, KR
- 2021 Unparasite, Platform-L, Seoul, KR
- 2020 Around Seoul: Independent Graphic Design, San Francisco, US
- 2020 Intimité, Imprimé, Collection, UQO Gallery, Quebec, CA
- 2019 Typojanchi 2019: 6th International Typography Biennale, Culture station seoul 284, Seoul, KR
- 2019 Spring Show, Red Brick Gallery, Seoul, KR
- 2019 Ink Village, Archive Bomm, Seoul, KR
- 2018 FISK & Friends 2018, FISK gallery, Portland, US
- 2018 Open Recent Graphic Design 2018, Gonggan41, Seoul, KR
- 2018 Seoul Focus, Buk Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, KR
- 2018 Poster Show, Likely General, Toronto, CA
- 2018 Gold, Retriever, Lotte Gallery, Anyang, KR
- 2017 W show, SeMA storage, Seoul, KR
- 2017 Paper Polyglot, Team Thursday HQ, Rotterdam, NL
- 2017 Electric Muse, UJEONGGUK, Seoul, KR
- 2017 Hangeul Design: Prototypes and Future of the Korean Alphabet, National Hangeul Museum, Seoul, KR
- 2016 Heavy Weight, Glasgow, UK
- 2016 Seoul Babel, Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, KR
- 2015 XS: Young studio collection, UJEONGGUK, Seoul, KR
- 2015 Art Currency Project, 800/40, Seoul, KR
- 2014 SYSTEM 14, Chaoyang, CN
- 2014 Walk in The Document, D project space, Seoul, KR
- 2013 Here is zine, Tokyo, JP
- 2012 IDP 10 (International Drawing Project), UK
- 2021 From South Korea, Counter Print, UK
- 2021 Art in Culture, 2021.04, KR
- 2021 Monthly Design #511, Seoul, KR
- 2020 Design360° Magazine, Guangzhou, CN
- 2020 GRAPHIC Magazine #46, Seoul, KR
- 2020 CA magazine May, KR
- 2020 Ones to Watch 2020, It’s Nice That, UK
- 2019 GRAPHIC Magazine #43, Seoul, KR
- 2019 Whatsapp group with other female designers, It’s Nice That, UK
- 2019 Open Recent Graphic Design, KR
- 2019 Publication N, KR
- 2019 Monthly Design, January 2019, KR
- 2018 It’s Nice That 3, UK
- 2018 etapes: 243, FR
- 2018 fanfare inc. Tools, NL
- 2017 It’s Nice That 2, UK
- 2017 Printed Pages Autumn/Winter 2017, UK
- 2017 It’s Nice That 1, UK
- 2017 Form magazine Nº 270, GM
- 2016 Gratuitous Type - issue 4.5, US
- 2016 Catalogue, Propaganda, KR
- 2016 URBANLIKE, june 2016, KR
- 2016 GRAPHIC magazine #36, KR
- 2016 CA magazine january 2016, KR
- 2015 GRAPHIC magazine #34 XS: Young studio collection, KR
- 2015 PECAN magazien, Seoul issue, CA
- 2013 Now, Here small pucblication, Propaganda, KR
- 2012 CA December 2016, KR
- 2012 IDP 10 (International Drawing Project), UK
- 2011 Autonomy and Trend, Propaganda, KR