Typojanchi SaiSai Workshop
2-day workshop, organized by Typojanchi, 2020
이 워크숍은 진행자가 참가자에게 일정한 조건(지침)을 부여하고, 이를 참가자가 자율적으로 적용하며 새로운 도구를 만들고 활용하는 워크숍이다. 참가자는 사전에 준비된 재료를 활용해 점, 선, 면을 그릴수 있는 드로잉 도구를 만들기 위한 시간을 갖는다. 이후 주어진 조건에 맞춰 자신만의 도구를 활용해 모종의 형태를 몇 차례 그려본다. Video Link


Form and Printing-Unguided Guide
4-day workshop with OTIS College of Art and Design MFA Graphic Design students, Collaboration with Corners, 2018
“When graphic designers make printed things, they consider 'what' form to make and 'how' to produce it at the same time. When limitations arise during production, designers invent forms that overcome them. Historically, many graphic designers have attempted to practice various techniques by taking advantage of these limitations that arise during the production process.This workshop aims to understand the characteristics and possibilities of forms that are captured in the limitation of RISO printing and to create artwork with them. Making graphics using the theme of a printing technique is a good opportunity for designers to understand both that production process and to do research at the same time.”

Coloring Practice
Illustration for Coloring Practice. Contributed for Magical Riso. Riso printed by Meli Melo Press, 200 × 200 mm, 2016